Italian Old Masters, Connoisseurship and German Romanticism

Valentina Locatelli. Metamorfosi romantiche. Le teorie del primo Romanticismo tedesco nel pensiero sull’arte di Giovanni Morelli. 2011. Pasian di Prato [Ud]: Campanotto Editore.


From Old Masters to Contemporary Art

Matthias Frehner and Valentina Locatelli (eds). Kunstmuseum Bern: Meisterwerke (German ed.); Kunstmuseum Bern: Masterpieces (Engl. ed.). 2016. Munich: Hirmer.

Valentina Locatelli. A Journey Through a Private Art Collection: From Balkenhol to Villeglé (Engl. ed.); Voyage dans une collection d’art privée: de Balkenhol à Villeglé (Fr. ed.). 2024. Vienna: Verlag für moderne Kunst.


Italian Old Masters

-         “Duccio di Buoninsegna, Maestà, c. 1290-95”

-         “Fra Angelico, Madonna and Child, c. 1445-50”

-         “Giovanni Antonio Boltraffio, Bust-length Portrait of a Young Man, c. 1505”

All in: Matthias Frehner and Valentina Locatelli (eds). Kunstmuseum Bern: Meisterwerke (German ed.); Kunstmuseum Bern: Masterpieces (Engl. ed.). 2016. Munich: Hirmer.

-         “Alessandro Filipepi, detto Botticelli, Ritratto di Giuliano de’ Medici, c. 1478–1480”

-         “Alessandro Filipepi, detto Botticelli, Cristo benedicente, c. 1490/1500”

-         “Alessandro Filipepi, detto Botticelli, Storia di Virginia romana, c. 1499/1500”

-         “Francesco Botticini, Tobiolo e l’arcangelo Raffaele, c. 1475–1480”

-         “Francesco di Stefano detto Pesellino, Episodi della storia di Griselda, c. 1450”

-         “Antonio di Puccio Pisano detto Pisanello, Ritratto di Lionello d’Este, c. 1441–1444”

All in: Giovanni Valagussa (ed.), Accademia Carrara Bergamo: Dipinti del Trecento e del Quattrocento. Catalogo complete. 2018. Milan: Officina Libraria.

19th and 20th Century Art

-         “Ferdinand Hodler, Self-Portrait (The Angry Man), 1881”

-         “Claude Monet, The Seine near Argenteuil, 1874”

-         “Amedeo Modigliani, Standing Nude (Elvira), 1918”

All in: Matthias Frehner and Valentina Locatelli (eds). Kunstmuseum Bern: Meisterwerke (German ed.); Kunstmuseum Bern: Masterpieces (Engl. ed.). 2016. Munich: Hirmer. 


Contemporary Art

Valentina Locatelli (ed.), Beyond Baroque: Contemporary Art at Schloss Waldegg (ed. German/Engl.). Exh. cat., art+château (Schloss Waldegg, Feldbrunnen-St. Niklaus). 2022. Bern: Self-publishing.

Valentina Locatelli (ed.), Hot/Cold – Dry/Wet: On Art and Latitude (ed. German/Engl.). Exh. cat., art+château (Schloss Oberdiessbach). 2022. Bern: Self-publishing.

Valentina Locatelli and Ariane Varela Braga (eds.). Cybèle Varela: Tropicalismo Remixed (ed. English/German/Portuguese). Exh. cat., Brasilea Stiftung, Basel. 2018. Milano: Silvana Editoriale.

Valentina Locatelli (ed.). Without Restraint: Werke mexikanischer Künstlerinnen aus der Daros Latinamerica Collection/Works by Mexican Women Artists from the Daros Latinamerica Collection (ed. German/Engl.). Exh. cat. Kunstmuseum Bern. 2016. Ostfildern: Hatje Cantz.

19th and 20th Century Art

Matthias Frehner and Valentina Locatelli (eds). Sesam, öffne dich! Anker, Hodler, Segantini... Stiftung für Kunst, Kultur und Geschichte/Sésame, ouvre-toi ! Anker, Hodler, Segantini... Fondation pour l’art, la culture et l‘histoire (ed. German/French). Exh. cat. Kunstmuseum Bern, Berne and Fondation Gianadda, Martigny. 2014. Quart (AO): Musumeci. 


Contemporary Art

“’Intra-iris Injections of Colour’: Sean Shanahan’s Plainsong at Espace Muraille”, in Sean Shanahan: Plainsong (ed. French/English). Exh. cat., Espace Muraille, Geneva. 2023. 62-69.

“Eamon Ore-Giron’s Principle of the Innermost Necessity: The ‘Auto-Tune’ Exhibition”, in Eamon Ore-Giron: Auto-Tune (ed. French/English). Exh cat., Espace Muraille, Geneva. 2021. 24-33.

“Manuel Mérida and the Transient Spectacle of Matter: An Account of the Origins of the Artist’s Gestural and Matterist Approach”. In Manuel Mérida (ed. Italian/English). Exh. cat., Espace Meyer Zafra, Paris. 2021 (in print).

 “Non colorati ma di colore: I quadri oggetto di Sean Shanahan / Not Coloured but of Colour: Sean Shanahan’s Monochrome Painting-Objects”. In Sean Shanahan. Singular Episodic  (ed. Italian/English). Exh. cat., Museo d‘Arte Contemporanea, Lissone. 2020. 12–19 (Italian) und 28–34 (English).

 “Ricardo Rendón: That Which Is Above Is Like That Which Is Below.” Accompanying text to the eponymous exhibition at Arróniz Arte Contemporáneo, Mexico-City. October-November 2019. Available at (under „i“).

 “Marcelo Brodsky’s Poetics of Resistance.” In: Joachim Melchers (ed.). Marcelo Brodsky. Poetics of Resistance (ed. English/ German/French). 2019. Mönchengladbach: B. Kühlen Verlag. 4–15.

 “Southern Stars: An Exploration of Latin American Art. Introduction.” In: Art Paris Art Fair 2019 (ed. French/English). Art fair cat., Grand Palais, Paris, 2019. 48–59.

“Contemporary Video Art from Mexico, Colombia, Peru and Argentina (2000–2018)”. In: Art Paris Art Fair 2019 (ed. French/English). Art fair cat., Grand Palais, Paris, 2019. 60–63.

Entries on the site-specific installations by artists Marcelo Brodsky, Ricardo Rendón, Betsabeé Romero and Stinkfish. In: Art Paris Art Fair 2019 (ed. French/English). Art fair cat., Grand Palais, Paris, 2019. 66–71.

“Yuan Yuan: Alternative Realities.” Accompanying text to the eponymous exhibition organized by Edouard Malingue Gallery (Hong Kong /Shanghai) at Palazzo Terzi, Bergamo. 2018. June – July 2018. (electronic publication)

With Ariane Varela Braga, “Cybèle Varela: An Introduction”. In: Valentina Locatelli and Ariane Varela Braga (eds.). Cybèle Varela: Tropicalismo Remixed (ed. English/German/Portuguese). Exh. cat., Brasilea Stiftung, Basel. 2018. Milano: Silvana Editoriale. 15–17.

"A Conversation with Cybèle Varela”. In: Valentina Locatelli and Ariane Varela Braga (eds.). Cybèle Varela: Tropicalismo Remixed (ed. English/German/Portuguese). Exh. cat., Brasilea Stiftung, Basel. 2018. Milano: Silvana Editoriale. 29–39.

“Wang Zhibo’s Narrative of the Detail”. Wang Zhibo: There is a Place with Four Suns in the Sky – Red, White, Blue and Yellow. Exh. cat. Edouard Malingue Gallery, Hong Kong. 2018. n.p.

“Farandoulo: Sheila Hicks’s Dance with Art and Architecture“. Sheila Hicks. Farandoulo (ed. French/Engl.). Exh. cat. Espace Muraille, Geneva. 2016. 10–18.

“Contemporary Mexican Women Artists Without Restraint.” In: Valentina Locatelli (ed.). Without Restraint: Werke mexikanischer Künstlerinnen aus der Daros Latinamerica Collection/Works by Mexican Women Artists from the Daros Latinamerica Collection (ed. German/Engl.). Exh. cat. Kunstmuseum Bern, Berne. 2016. Ostfildern: Hatje Cantz. 23-31. (Translated into German).

Entries on the artists: Ximena Cuevas, Claudia Fernández, Teresa Margolles, Betsabée Romero, Maruch Sántiz Gómez, Teresa Serrano and Melanie Smith; interviews with Betsabée Romero, Maruch Sántiz Gómez and Teresa Serrano. All in: Valentina Locatelli (ed.). Without Restraint: Werke mexikanischer Künstlerinnen aus der Daros Latinamerica Collection/Works by Mexican Women Artists from the Daros Latinamerica Collection (ed. German/Engl.). Exh. cat. Kunstmuseum Bern, Berne. 2016. Ostfildern: Hatje Cantz. Passim. (Translated into German).

19th and 20th Century Art

-        “Ferdinand Hodler, Self-Portrait (The Angry One)

-        “Ferdinand Hodler, Portrait of Valentine Godé-Darel (La Parisienne II)

All in: Atsushi Shinfuji (ed). Ferdinand Hodler. Towards Rhythmic Images. Exh. cat. The National Museum of Art, Tokyo, Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Art, Kobe. 2014–15. NHK Promotions Inc.: Tokyo. 56 and 184. (Published in Japanese translation).

“Figurenbilder: Symbolismus in der Schweizer Kunst/Oeuvres avec figures: Le symbolisme dans l’art Suisse.” In: Matthias Frehner and Valentina Locatelli (eds). Sesam, öffne dich! Anker, Hodler, Segantini... Stiftung für Kunst, Kultur und Geschichte/Sésame, ouvre-toi ! Anker, Hodler, Segantini... Fondation pour l’art, la culture et l‘histoire (ed. German/French). Exh. cat. Kunstmuseum Bern, Berne and Fondation Gianadda, Martigny. 2014. Quart (AO): Musumeci. 167–192.

“Chronologie des Surrealismus”/“Chronology of Surrealism.” In: Philippe Büttner (ed.). Surrealismus in Paris/Surrealism in Paris. Exh. cat. Fondation Beyeler, Riehen/Basel. 2011. Ostfildern: Hatje Cantz. 271–77.


Old Masters and Connoisseurship

“La Maddalena leggente di Correggio. Storia di un’appropriazione.” 2018. Kornelia Imesch, Karin Daguet, Jessica Dieffenbacher, Deborah Strebel (eds.). Transdiziplinarität in Kunst, Design, Architektur und Kunstgeschichte. Oberhausen: Athena. 125–135.

“Italian Painters, Critical Studies of their Works: the Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister in Dresden. An overview of Giovanni Morelli’s attributions.ˮ 2015. Journal of Art Historiography. 13. Ed. online.

Es sey das Sehen eine Kunst. Sull’arte della connoisseurship e i suoi strumenti.” 2014. Kunstgeschichte. Open Peer Reviewed Journal. Ed. online.

“Georges Hulin de Loos kunstkennerschaftliche Methode am Beispiel seines Catalogue critique zur Ausstellung in Brügge (1902).” 2013. Kunstgeschichte. Open Peer Reviewed Journal. Ed. online.

“L’Accademia Carrara de Bergame rend hommage à ses fondateurs.” 2011. Revue des deux mondes. 7–8: 149–53.

“Tra fisiognomica e parodia romantica: Giovanni Morelli e la caricatura.” 2010–12. Annali della Fondazione Europea del Disegno. 6: 181–207.

“‘Die Jugendentwicklung Raffaels.’ Ivan Lermolieff liest Anton Springer: ein Beispiel der Auseinandersetzung Morellis mit dem deutschen Gelehrtentum.” 2011. Gilbert Heß, Elena Agazzi and Elisabeth Décultot (eds.). Künstler-Träume: Raffael im 19. Jahrhundert. Berlin and Boston: W. de Gruyter. 337–65.

“Kunstkritische Studien über italienische Malerei: Die Galerie zu Dresden. Ein Überblick zu Giovanni Morellis Zuschreibungen.” 2008–10. Jahrbuch der Staatlichen Kunstsammlungen Dresden. 34: 85–106.

“Giovanni Morelli: sulle tracce del frammento romantico.” 2006. Jacques e i suoi quaderni. 46: 358–68.

19th and 20th Century Art

“Tamayo, Rufino (1899–1991).” 2016. The Routledge Encyclopedia of Modernism. Ed. online.

“Le immagini del potere: la Deutsche Kunstgesellschaft e l’arte del Terzo Reich.” 2011. Studia theodisca. 18: 181–204.